33 Groundbreaking Women Painted In Oil On Silk
Anya Vero
Exploring the blurred lines between art and anthropology
Women Groundbreakers
It started as a search for the female role models I never had growing up, and became a painting series of women who changed the world, spanning the arts, sciences and humanities.

Who saves millions of lives every year through her malaria research? Who was dubbed "actor by day, inventor by night"? Who was the original founder of abstract art?

There are thirty-three portraits, one for every year of my life at the time of completion.
Art For Freedom
Too many people on the planet are invisible, living without a voice.

While living in London I created a series focused on giving a voice to survivors of human trafficking, working in partnership with two Mexican organisations - SINTRATA and the Comisión Unidos Contra la Trata.

I painted portraits from photographs of the survivors, exhibiting them alongside their stories about their journeys into and out of trafficking.
Other Works
A compilation of my other works, including pieces created at the Self Impressions Tate Exchange event at the Tate Modern, a standalone piece, Rite Of Spring, exhibited at Museum LV in Riga, and my various sculptures and explorations of other media.
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